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Typing Test

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Typing test

The typing test is a test which gives you the opportunity to practice writing as quickly and accurately as possible on a computer keyboard.

This test consists of evaluating your typing speed over a given time by copying the words given to you. Your results will be measured in WPM (Words Per Minute).

To begin, click on "start". The timer starts when you press the first key on your keyboard to compose your first word, then you have one minute to type all the words as quickly and correctly as possible. You will be given a default time of 60 seconds, but you can choose the amount of time you want and change the default options in the menu. 60 seconds is the shortest amount of time available to choose from.

What is a score expressed in WPM?

Once the test time has elapsed, you will be able to obtain your final score which will be presented in WPM (Words Per Minute). This result in WPM calculates the number of composed words compared to the duration of the test typist. The more you increase your word typing speed, the higher the WPM score will be. This result will also give you the number of correctly written words, the number of incorrect words typed, and the accuracy of your keystroke as a percentage.

Typing Test time intervals

A default setting of one minute is recommended to start the typing tests. To try to get the highest WPM rating, use a short time interval of 60 seconds. The longer the duration of the test, the more difficult it is to obtain good and accurate results. The longer durations of time cause the hand and fingers to become tired, which can slow down the typing speed. A good typist will be able to keep up a more constant pace and compose around 60 to 70 words per minute. According to statistics, the average typing speed is 33 words per minute. Keep practicing and become one of the most advanced typists!

Our typing test is unlimited and free, so you can continue playing and practicing to improve your typing speed skills.

What are our tips for increasing your typing speed?

In order to improve your typing speed, we advise our users to position yourself comfortably, and utilize both hands and all fingers to participate in the test. The use of all your fingers will allow you to limit the movement of your hands and save time.

Note that each finger has its own area on the keyboard. In order to improve your performance, it is advised that you know the keys by heart and not look at them while typing on your keyboard. Your fingers should be on the assigned keys and your thumb should be positioned on the space bar key. Learn to master the keys of special characters correctly in order to always save more time and increase your typing speed.

Finally, listen to yourself and take care of yourself. If you feel tired or your concentration weakens, take a break and come back to the test when you are rested. You may be more productive and attentive in the middle of your day as well.

The typing test: A useful tool

The wpm test allows you to improve your typing speed for all your favorite games; to communicate with friends; and, for your productivity at work. Internet and digital technology are more than common in our society. Today, it has become essential to know how to type quickly and accurately. Whether it is interacting with friends, for work, or for playing, mastering the keyboard has become an essential skill.

Commonly, good typing skills are essential in the professional setting, so we give you the opportunity to practice and improve your skills. Challenge yourself with our typing test and watch yourself improve as you use the game as typing lessons. Thanks to our record of scores, you will be able to analyze your results, track your progress, and try to beat your best scores.

Our typing test site is also a good social tool. Invite your friends and challenge them to test their skills with a typing race using our typing tests. See which one of you is the best of the best!

Improvements in your performance may be visible after a few weeks, if you train regularly.
